Noun Verb Agreement Rules

As a copy editor, it is essential to have a keen eye for detail, especially when it comes to grammar rules. One such rule is the agreement between nouns and verbs. This rule is crucial in ensuring that your writing is coherent and grammatically correct. Here are some noun verb agreement rules that every writer and editor should know:

1. Singular nouns take singular verbs, and plural nouns take plural verbs.

For example:

- The boy runs.

- The boys run.

2. When two or more singular nouns are connected by “and,” the verb is plural.

For example:

- The cat and dog are sleeping.

3. When two or more singular nouns are connected by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the closest noun.

For example:

- Neither the cat nor the dog is awake.

- Either the cat or the dogs are barking.

4. Collective nouns (such as team, group, audience) are usually singular and take singular verbs, but they can take plural verbs when the emphasis is on the individual members of the group.

For example:

- The team is playing well.

- The team are arguing among themselves.

5. Indefinite pronouns (such as everyone, somebody, each) are singular and take singular verbs.

For example:

- Everyone is welcome.

- Somebody left their phone behind.

6. Subjects that are separated by a prepositional phrase do not affect the verb.

For example:

- The dog on the couch is sleeping.

- The books on the shelf are dusty.

7. Sometimes it can be difficult to identify the subject, especially in complex sentences. In these cases, make sure to identify the subject before choosing the verb.

For example:

- The group of dogs that bark outside are annoying.

In conclusion, understanding noun verb agreement rules is crucial in producing clear and grammatically correct writing. Always take the time to review and double-check your writing to ensure proper agreement between nouns and verbs. This attention to detail will improve your writing and make it more effective.
