Assured Tenancy Agreement Rent Increase

Assured Tenancy Agreement Rent Increase: What You Need to Know

As a tenant in an assured tenancy agreement, you may be worried about possible rent increases. In this article, we will discuss what an assured tenancy agreement is, when rent increases may occur, and what your rights as a tenant are in this situation.

Assured Tenancy Agreement

An assured tenancy agreement is a type of rental contract in the United Kingdom that gives the tenant a certain level of security, as long as they comply with the terms of the agreement. This means that as long as you pay your rent on time, keep the property in good condition, and do not violate any of the other terms of your rental contract, you can stay in the property for a long period of time.

Assured tenancy agreements can be either fixed-term or periodic. A fixed-term agreement lasts for a set period of time, usually six months or a year, while a periodic agreement has no fixed end date and runs until either the tenant or the landlord ends it.

Rent Increases

While rent increases can be a source of concern, they are a common occurrence in assured tenancy agreements. Landlords may increase rent to keep up with inflation or to reflect the rising price of living. Additionally, if your rental agreement is periodic, your landlord may increase the rent as long as they give you written notice of the increase at least one month in advance.

If you have a fixed-term agreement, your rent cannot be increased during the fixed term unless the agreement specifies otherwise. However, your landlord can increase the rent after the fixed term ends, as long as they give you written notice of the increase at least one month in advance.

Your Rights

If your landlord wants to increase the rent, they must follow certain guidelines outlined by the UK government. For example, they must give you at least one month`s notice of the increase and cannot increase the rent more than once every 12 months. Additionally, they cannot increase the rent by an excessive amount, as this could be considered unfair and unreasonable.

If you feel that the rent increase is unfair, you have the right to challenge it. You can do this by contacting a rent officer from the Valuation Office Agency, who can determine if the increase is reasonable based on local market rents.

In Conclusion

Assured tenancy agreements provide tenants with a level of security, but rent increases are a common occurrence. If you receive a notice of rent increase, make sure to read it carefully and understand your rights as a tenant. If you feel that the increase is unfair, you can challenge it by contacting a rent officer.
